Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders Inpatient Rehab

We offer evidence-based programs designed to meet the needs of individuals with co-occurring substance use disorder. Our focus is on crisis resolution, positive self-awareness, social skills, emotional regulation and person growth. Treatment emphasizes return-to-work and return-to-life strategies using cognitive therapies to help with transition following discharge.

Treatment focuses on education and skill development and can include:

  • Holistic care to manage symptoms and address barriers to treatment
  • Groups using components from the Living in Balance curriculum
  • Sessions educating clients on terminology, substances, triggers and relapse prevention, the relationship between sex and substances and various emotional components of addiction and recovery
  • Treatment also includes the development of coping skills, stress and anger-management, family education, activities-based therapy, expressive therapy, health education and nutrition
  • Professional staff include psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, marriage and family therapists, dieticians and pharmacists

We are your trusted partner serving the Behavioral Healthcare needs of our community

Call 512-440-4800 and speak with a wellness expert in our intake office.

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