Detoxing from Drugs and Alcohol

Austin Oaks Hospital offers an inpatient detox program for patients age 18 and older suffering from co-occurring substance abuse disorders. The program is led by Carlos Tirado, M.D., a psychiatrist and addictionologist.

Austin Oaks Hospital offers an inpatient detox program

Medical Capabilities include:

  • Physician-directed medication management
  • Physician and nurse monitoring of detox and withdrawal symptoms
  • Direct transfers from acute hospitals
  • Focused psychotherapy
  • Assistance with coping skills
  • Cognitive-behavioral approaches
  • Treatment of chronic and long-term effects

We know recovery is hard. Let us help. Give us a call today to schedule your assessment at 512-440-4800.

We are your trusted partner serving the Behavioral Healthcare needs of our community

Call 512-440-4800 and speak with a wellness expert in our intake office.

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