Wellness and Activities That Can Help with Your Mental Health
Your mental health is important to your everyday life, but if you start to feel like you might be struggling [...]
3 Simple Breath Work Exercises That Help with Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal response to daily stress. However, when worry becomes prevalent in our everyday lives, it can be [...]
Rediscovering the Spirit in Therapy
Therapy goes with mental health like red beans with chili. But also involving spirituality in that dish would be for [...]
Smart Phones and Social Media. At What Cost to Your Mental Health?
As a social species, humans have a natural desire for connection and communication with others. This includes an innate longing [...]
Supporting a Loved One with a Mental Health Diagnosis
Having a loved one go through a mental health crisis can be a challenging time not only for the patient, [...]
Incorporating Self-Care into Everyday Practice
Over the last decade as society has made strides toward reducing the stigma around mental health, the term “self-care” has [...]
Intimacy Following Sexual Trauma
What to Expect and How to Avoid Re-Traumatization There are many different reactions that occur in regard to intimacy following [...]